Are you jealous? You should be. Not only did I get to eat one of these beauties over the weekend, I also got to eat Violet’s after she and her little pal Ester eschewed them in favor of mini ice cream cones. Fools!
My friend Dominique (otherwise known as Ester’s mom) admitted to me that she has a hard time making casual food and always finds herself going the extra mile, even when totally unnecessary. I, for one, am a big fan of this pesky flaw, especially if it means gourmet desserts for a Saturday morning playdate!
She mentioned that she found this recipe on Huffington Post, and I think it might be this one . No offense to Huffpo, but Dominique’s look WAY cooler! Dominique, if you’re reading this and have any tips or tricks to add to the recipe, please comment below!
And thanks again for a delicious playdate. Not to rub it in people, but she also served homemade lemonade with fresh mint. A perfect summer dessert combo!