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Flora Golden At Studio Eleven

Paula Tiberius

I don’t know what it is about paintings on cardboard, but I usually love them. Maybe it’s something to do with the humility it connotes, or the fragility, I’m not sure, but the art show I attended on the weekend at Studio Eleven in downtown L.A. featured an artist who used it beautifully. Her piece Route 66 is elegant and playful, and keeps you guessing as your eye moves around unraveling the many meanings and materials.

Fantasy at the Edge is the name of the exhibition which also features work by Kathleen Losey, Tere Abdala-Romano and Linda Levi-Baum. The show is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and the last Wednesday of the month from 12 – 4pm and by appointment through Dec 7, 2014.

This piece was my favorite.

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Route 66, 2012 Mixed Media (including bubble wrap as Violet pointed out!) on carboard and wood panel

Here’s a detail from it – you can see the bubble wrap at the top. I love the animal heads, and just the whole idea of a rabbit a sheep and a disembodied sheep head traveling in a little car attached to a native American in full headdress. I say yes! It also reminds me of my excellent friend Matt James‘s work, which often has themes of travel and First Nations people in Canada. You should really marvel at his work some time.

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A detail of Route 66

Ms. Golden is a psychologist – go figure. She takes a symbolic approach, though her sheep here, she admits, are not representational of the usual meanings like sacrifice, rebirth or conformity. Rather, she likes their “potential for whimsy and personality.” She says that “even the most humdrum of sheep can hold a charm and interest.” I definitely agree. Look at that face!

She calls her large Route 66 piece “a biographical and symbolic representation of a childhood family journey.” And by the way, if you live in LA and haven’t checked it out yet, the Autry Museum is showing a comprehensive exhibition about Route 66. It’s quite a trip.

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The Nature of Things, Mixed Media and porcelain

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Each sheep has its own title, but you’ll have to go to Ms. Golden’s site for that info.

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I can’t figure out which artist did this one, but I liked it. This picture doesn’t do it justice – it sparkled and really popped from the wall.

Tere Abdala-Romano’s work was quite beautiful too, with skyscapes that transported you to another world.

The event took place at Maker City LA – The Reef, which is a huge building with large creative spaces for rent, and as you can see below, a giant chair in the parking lot.

I hope to see more shows in this fabulous building. Violet was dying to get into the studio across the hall where someone was building something out of hundreds of red felt stuffed objects….but they were closed for the day.

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